This page presents historical data on Norway, mainly external links.
External links:
Monetary Statistics (Norges bank)
Presents historical monetary statistics for Norway, for example, a
consumer price index (back to 1516), house prices, GDP, money supply,
interest rates, exchange rates and a stock exchange index.
Historical Statistics 1994 (Statistisk sentralbyrå)
World Tables
Presents data on population, GDP, GDP per capita, price levels,
investment shares, consumption shares and savings for 168 countries,
including Norway, covering the period 1950-2000. No data is presented
for the period before 1950.
Statistisk sentralbyrå (Statistics Norway)
The Norwegian Historical Data Centre
Population, GDP and Per Capita GDP, 1-2003 AD (Angus Maddison)
Contains economic data on population, GDP and GDP per capita for a
number of countries from 1 to 2003 AD, including Norway within present
borders. There are, however, more up to date data on the GDP of Norway
produced by Norges bank (see link above).
Eitrheim, Ø., Klovland, J. T., and Zvigstad, J. F.,
2004: Historical Monetary Statistics for Norway 1819-2003.
Norges Bank; Oslo. Online at: http://www.norges-bank.no/stat/historiske_data/en/hms
(051010). The book contains the following chapters:
1 - Introduction
2 - A
historical perspective on monetary statistics in Norway
3 - A
consumer price index for Norway 1516-2003
4 - Bond
markets and bond yields in Norway 1820-2003
5 - Monetary
aggregates in Norway 1819-2003
6 - The
gross domestic product for Norway 1830-2003
7 - Historical
exchange rate data 1819-2003
8 - Historical
stock price indices in Norway 1914-2001
9 - House
price indices for Norway 1819-2003
10 - Credit,
banking and monetary developments in Norway 1819-2003